Health and Wellbeing at Viewbank College
At Viewbank College we recognise and use the Health Promoting Schools Model recommended by the World Health Organisation to be the best practice to support Health and Wellbeing in school communities. We work towards optimising the teaching and learning, school environment and the partnerships within our diverse community.
“It takes a Village to raise a child”
One of the goals of our Annual Implementation Plan in 2020 is ‘To enhance the wellbeing of all students.’
Teaching and Learning
Viewbank College has Health Education as a key part of the curriculum from Year 7-9. It has electives available from Year 10-12.
Social and Emotional Learning occurs across the curriculum and links with the Respectful Relationships Initiative and the General Capabilities in the Victorian Curriculum including: Critical and Creative Thinking, Ethical, Intercultural, Personal and Social.
Overlay programs are initiated by Leading Teachers at Viewbank College in year levels and relate to health and wellbeing, respectful relationships, connectedness, future pathways, study skills and personal growth. We use a strength based and harm reduction approach that encourages student voice and agency.
School Environment
A Positive Classroom Environment is a key priority for staff in their professional learning for 2020 to achieve the goals we have set in the AIP.
- Staff will use data and evidence based methods to foster optimal staff and student relationships to enhance all individuals to engage with the learning environment and the curriculum.
Staff teams help to make a large school have a small school feel. We have a structure allows are staff to connect with students on many levels.
In the Middle School (Years 7-10) we have:
- Four (4) x Heads of House
- Thirteen (13) x House Leaders that assist the Head of House
In the Senior School (Years 11-12) we have:
- Two (2) Heads of House
- Four (4) House Leaders that assist the Head of House
We have Middle School (7-10) and Senior School (10-12) Assistant Principals who oversee the Heads of House work and assist with programs in these years. We also have student leaders in both the Middle School and Senior School.
The Wellbeing Counselling Team at Viewbank College works out of the Wellbeing Centre and consists of:
- A full time Mental Health Practitioner: Bec Bastion
- A part time Educational Psychologist: Libby Whiting
- Three (3) x part time Counsellors: Marisa Ramzy, Josh Nelson and Raelene McKenzie.
- The College has a visiting Student Support Services Offices that offers specialised Psychological and learning support for staff, students and parents.
Referrals are made by House Leaders, for students who need additional counselling support and the Wellbeing Centre provides a space where students can have time out from class if required and have sensory or individual support.
At Viewbank College we aim to support and foster student support at each of the levels and recognise the importance of each level.
Future Pathways programs run in each year level and the team of Sandra Vaina and Wendy Peck look to develop students personal strengths with the knowledge and skills to enable them to take ownerships for setting goals and making plans for their future.
Students with special needs at Viewbank College are supported on many levels. Level Leaders work with Student Support Groups to develop and Individual Education Plan that gives a clear guide for all staff to support the student. Numeracy and Literacy support is also available to support students in the Middle Years. Students who have English as and Additional Language(EAL) can also access additional support at the College.
At Viewbank College we recognise that what we are a hub in the Viewbank Community and we have good partnerships with outside agencies. These include:
Austin CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services)
Greensborough Headspace
Banyule Youth Services
Kids First – Boys to Adolescence Program
The Parenting Journey – Tuning into Teens Program
Pat Cronin Foundation
Glenn Manton
Be You – Beyondblue
Butterfly Foundation – Body Image